Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Bud Williford setteling in at HFTCM.

Bud Williford has given His heart to Hearts for the children ministry. Bud will spend the rest of September working at a variety of jobs to help Tom and Elizabeth with the daily activities at HFTCM. Bud will spend 40 hours of one on one Spanish classes. He will return to HFTCM some time early January 2010 with intentions of serving for a longer period of time.Bud is the first of the new vision volunteers HFTCM and it's board members envision will come to Guatemala for long term service at HFTCM and take over some of the day to day work from Tom and Elizabeth. It is an exciting time for Bud and HFTCM. Please keep him in prayer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bud,

    Not sure if you remember meeting me when Tom was in town earlier this year. I am excited to see how God is using you in Guatemala! I pray that you will be blessed and love being His servant in Guatemala. Take care, I am praying for you all.

